Physical Therapy For Running Injuries in Chico, CA

How To Stop Chronic And Disruptive Running Pain WITHOUT Injections, WITHOUT Taking Painkillers And WITHOUT Having To Wear A Support Or Brace...
- Are you worried why your chronic pain with running persists no matter what you do?
- Are you frustrated with your current pain management routine?
- Are you having to slow down or give up on running altogether?
- Are you still looking for a long-term solution so you can get back to your favorite activity?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are in the right place!
Many people suffer unnecessarily with running pain because they’re told…
- If you "just rest it," the pain will eventually subside.
- It's a natural part of aging.
- Everything will be fine if you swallow a couple of tablets.
- The only alternative is to stop running.
The Truth Is...
- Resting will not alleviate the pain you experience from running; it may give you temporary relief, but as soon as you start running again, the pain sets in once more.
- It's not typical to get running ailments as you age!
- Pain medications are habit-forming, hazardous, and may induce a variety of other health issues.
- Your family doctor may recommend changing your runs, but that's not the only option.
At Inspire Physical Therapy & Performance, We Help Runners Get Back On The Course.
It can be very confusing to decide exactly what you should do if you have pain with running. You’ve likely heard a lot of options such as…
- A family member tells you to try a certain stretch
- A colleague mentions going to a massage therapist
- The “experts” on YouTube recommend doing a certain exercise
- A friend suggests going to a yoga class
- All while the doctor tells you to rest
Most of us get caught up in the struggle to choose what to do next when confronted with so many alternatives… What happens if you make the wrong decision?
When It Comes To Solving Something Serious Like A Running Injury…
Make sure to do your research before trusting someone with your health – it could be the difference between a properly done surgery or being addicted to painkillers for the rest of your life.
The most crucial step in stopping your pain and ensuring it never returns is receiving the least-invasive, most natural treatment possible.
If you want to heal completely, you must not only treat the pain itself but also identify the root cause of that pain. Only then can you find a PERMANENT solution.
At Inspire PT & Performance We’ve Created A 3 Step Process To Get Rid Of Your Pain AND Make Sure It Doesn’t Come Back Again.
Our medical system is in a bad place. You wait weeks, if not months, for an appointment, only to be rushed off the phone by the doctors before they have to go see the next patient. You sit there wondering what just happened as they rush off to the next patient. Even physical therapy clinics operate this way. They’re not attentive; they’re fast-paced; and your therapist doesn’t have time to really treat where you hurt.
This is why our first step is to listen to your story.
We understand that no two people are alike when it comes to running pain, so we’ll start by having an open discussion and giving you the opportunity to tell your tale. That way, not just in terms of your body, but also how it’s affecting your life.
Many people have a medical diagnosis for what’s wrong with their bodies. It might have been given to them by their doctor, tested, or discovered through online research. You could have been advised that you had no alternative but to rest, take painkillers, or consider surgery.
Those things, on occasion, provide momentary respite, but they don’t address the underlying cause of the problem.
No two runners experience pain in the same way. The root cause of your running pain may be different than that of another person’s.
At Inspire PT & Performance, we strive to find the underlying reason for your discomfort so that not only does your pain disappear, but it stays away as well!
We understand that you still might be skeptical or unsure if physical therapy is right for you. That’s why we created our Discovery Visit.
Our Discovery Visits are meant specifically for those people who are skeptical, unsure, or have even been let down in the past. During the Discovery Visit you’ll find out what’s wrong, how long it’s going to take to fix it, and give you peace of mind that your problem can be fixed naturally!
This is when the big transformation occurs. We develop a personalized plan that allows you to…
…With our help, you can get back to running quickly and without fear of the pain returning.
…Reunite with your favorite courses.
…Get back to your old running habits.
Our best clients are those who are motivated and ready to win back their active lifestyle. (Even if they feel stuck right now!)
Want to know more about our availability and costs before making any commitment to coming in?
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